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We've got something special for you...

Even though this e-book is full of great tips and value for you...

it's hard to make time in order to find time.
I get it!

And that is exactly the reason why I have something extra valuable for you.

There is even more...

Now that you have the e-book,
I am sure that you'll want MORE.

To fully make the transformation you're looking for. 

Now I present you two options:

1. Read this e-book, thinking - I’ll see where it takes me - reading a few tips, and stop there.


2. Take full responsibility yourself to move in the direction you really want. 

When you’re ready to take that step, I invite you to listen to the NEO Private Podcast.

Get exclusive access right now for just $19.99.

(Attention: This podcast is NOT available anywhere else).

In this podcast you'll discover:

Learn to liberate yourself from the relentless demands of productivity. Discover how setting aside regular NEO days can open up space for creativity and renewal, all without dropping your responsibilities.

Gain insights into integrating skills — like creativity, mindfulness, productivity, and becoming tech-savvy — seamlessly into your day. It’s about enhancing life, not pausing it.

It does sound like an impossible contradiction, doesn’t it? Well, nothing could be further from the truth. By refocusing on the things that are really important to you, you’ll become a better version of yourself. Not by some whooshy esoteric wizardry… but by employing principles and techniques based on recent insights from neuroscience!

I’ll help you become more balanced in a way that feels like second nature. Learn how to navigate between the activities that require energy and those that give you energy.

Extra bonus for you:

Think learning new skills is daunting? Let’s change that together. I’m here to guide you through with easy-to-understand, engaging advice that clicks.

Hear from real people who’ve transformed their lives with NEO. Real stories, tangible results.

Ready to transform how you view your day-to-day? Start now. Let’s make every day a NEO day, where you grow, laugh, and set yourself free.

You can start immediately!

You can listen to the podcast anywhere and with your favorite podcast player.

You will save time because you can listen at any time and in any place.

Let’s make TODAY YOUR NEO day,
where you grow, create, and set yourself free.